Child Development Center, Naval Weapons Station
Yorktown, Virginia
McPherson Design Group assisted in the design of this 14,000 square foot one-story Child Development Center for Yorktown Naval Weapons Station military personnel. The new facility was designed to include state-of-the-art technology for children’s development, as well as the latest child design guidelines for children ranging from 2 to 8 years old. The building was designed as a conventionally framed wood structure with a masonry veneer. Functional areas include, but are not limited to, entrance/vestibule, lobby, reception/work area, Director’s Office, Administrator’s Office, Training and Curriculum Specialist Office, Resource and Referral Office, Break/Staff Room, Training Room, Public and Staff Restrooms, Central Storage, Kitchen, Laundry Area, Recycle Room, and Activity Rooms for infants, pre-toddlers, toddlers, and preschool children. This project also provided integrated sustainable design strategies and features to minimize the facility’s energy consumption, conserve resources, minimize adverse effects to the environment, and improve occupant productivity, health, and comfort. In accordance with NAVFAC Instruction 9830.1, the facility and all site features were designed and constructed to meet a minimum of Silver in the USGBC LEED Rating System. Our services for this project included the preparation of contract documents, as well as construction phase services, including review of shop drawings, construction administration, and special inspections.