Photo By: Lance Cpl. Tavairus Hernandez
Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Battle Course, Marine Corps Base
Camp Lejeune, North Carolina
This $7.9 Million project included contract documents for the design of a Training Range with a mock village that troops operating anywhere in the world might encounter and where improvised explosive devices (IEDs) could be set up to inflict damage to passing vehicles. The mock village includes a new 6,000 square foot range-support building, an 800 square foot operations storage building, a 900 square foot operations toilet building, two covered bleacher enclosures, a mock 4-lane overpass, and two search houses with a similar layout to those in the middle-east. The mock village also includes roads with three traffic circles, a training compound, and training bleachers, as well as a Control Tower that is located on the site and outfitted with cameras and communications to observe and control targets. Since this Training Range is at Camp Lejeune and is being used for training purposes for our troops, it is a highly secure site with checkpoints for access and concrete barriers pursuant to anti-terrorist force protection (ATFP) requirements. Our office also provided construction administration services for this project.