Women’s Mental Health Services and Primary Care Clinic Expansion, Hampton Veteran Affairs Medical Center
Hampton, Virginia
We completed this project in 2010, which included preparation of contract documents for the addition of approximately 11,450 square feet of new space to Building 14 to accommodate Women’s Mental Health Services and Primary Care Clinic. Approximately 6,300SF is designated for mental health and 5,150SF is designated to primary care. Integrated gender specific services include: mental health evaluations, individual, group & family therapies, healthy life-style and wellness psycho education classes, dialectical behavior therapy/skills training, substance abuse treatment, expressive art therapy, self-defense training, exercise/yoga/meditation activities, eating disorders, and stress management groups. Primary care activities currently occupying about 3,500 square foot in Building 110 will be relocated to the new space. The new facility will include high cost/high-tech mammography space and a computer lab for the patient population. Our scope included preliminary design, design development, construction documents, and construction period services.