City Hall Building
City of Portsmouth, Virginia
McPherson Design Group completed full design services for the preparation of contract documents and construction administration for the total replacement of the exterior wall on the Portsmouth City Hall Building. Our replacement included the demolition of the existing brick and metal stud exterior and replacement with a new metal stud back up wall with window wall system. MDG also completed studies and design documents for repairs to the plaza deck surface between the Tri-Care Building and the City Hall Building, as well as repairs to the concrete stairs to the Plaza and the concrete stairs at the opposite end of the City Hall Building along Crawford Parkway. We also provided the design for concrete spall and crack repairs to the exterior retaining walls and first floor walls for both buildings, as well as the parking garage. Our design included resurfacing of several of the garage floor finishes, including the ramps. We also coordinated the painting of the first floor of both Buildings and repairs to the stairwell shaft at the City Hall Building on the east side.