Cape Charles Marina/Yacht Center, Phase I, II & III
Cape Charles, Virginia
Our scope of work for Phase I included a detailed Facility Condition Inspection to determine the condition of the existing Marina, comparison of the current condition of the building with the original contract documents, preparation of calculations as required to analyze the building to meet ASCE 7-05 criteria, preparation of remediation/strengthening details required for the building, preparation of a cost estimate for those repairs, and the preparation of a final report. Our office also provided contract documents for a new wood pier that is approximately 40’x100’, and assistance with the design of the piles for the floating docks and finger piers. Our scope of work for Phase II included the preparation of contract documents for a 150/160-ton boat lift and the seawall/bulkhead that extends beyond the boat lift in the area where the travel lift will carry boats, reinforcement of the paving behind the existing bulkhead for the new boat lifts loads, and contract documents for the 10 foot wide floating dock. Phase III of this project included the design of new bath houses.