Franklin Marina
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia
McPherson Design Group provided field investigation and contract documents for dredging of the Marina, which included new sheet piling around the majority of the Marina. Portions of this new seawall were designed as cantilevered and portions with tiebacks. Also included in this project were a small boat ramp, new wood piers and decks, as well as new dolphins. Our design also included a new pile-supported foundation of a travel lift that would be utilized to provide maintenance for VIMS boat, Bay Eagle. A spoils area was designated adjacent to the Marina that was eventually converted to a Wetlands Nature Walk. Minor renovations to several of the buildings around the Marina, including an administration area and bathrooms, were also included in this project, as well as a riprap entrance to the basin from the York River. McPherson Design Group and our consultants also handled all stormwater and environmental concerns. This project was reviewed by BCOM and utilized a mixture of State and Federal funds. McPherson Design Group also provided construction administration/special inspection services for this project.